News about the commitment of Swiss Labs, press releases and exciting events.
Battery Tuesdays Concept & Dates 2021
The concept of the "Battery Tuesdays" is that every research center in Switzerland that is active in battery research can present itself during one hour. The webinar always takes place on the first Tuesday of the month. During the webinar it is also possible to ask questions live and to get in contact with the researchers of the center. The webinar will be recorded and published on the website.
PSI, Empa, and BFH are inviting you to the SWISS BATTERY DAYS 2020/21 in honor of Prof. Dr. Petr Novák. The event will take place from February 15 to 17, 2021. iBAT has been asked to organize the afternoon of February 17th dedicated to the Swiss Battery Industry and as part of this event will present a first draft of the Swiss Battery Industry Stakeholders Map.
University of Fribourg – Laboratory of Functional Organic Materials
Coskun group at University of Fribourg focuses on the synthesis and characterization of active materials, electrolyte additives, polymer electrolytes as well as polymeric binders in Li-ion batteries.
Stationary battery storage: exploring techno-economic challenges ahead
On July 1, 2021 from 1-4:30 p.m. iBAT and the Institute of Management of the University of Neuchâtel will be holding an online workshop that applies the Design Thinking approach to the topic of Stationary battery storage.
Pressemitteilung: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Schweizer Batterie-Industrie stärken
Batterien stehen im Zentrum bei zukunftsweisenden Technologien. Vom Energiesektor über die Mobilität und Robotik bis hin zur Medizinaltechnik sind batteriebasierte Innovationen ein zentrales Element. Der neu gegründete Verein iBAT hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Entwicklung von innovativen Ideen zu Endprodukten zu beschleunigen. Er unterstützt damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und den Erfolg der Schweizer Industrie im Bereich Batterietechnologie.