On July 1, 2021 from 1-4:30 p.m. iBAT and the Institute of Management of the University of Neuchâtel will be holding an online workshop that applies the Design Thinking approach to the topic of

Stationary battery storage:
exploring techno-economic challenges ahead

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The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) market is scheduled to grow with a CAGR of 38% over the next 10 years (IDTechEx). Together we identify the opportunities, challenges, and solutions for the Swiss industry to overcome current or future pain points.

For iBAT members only – limited number of participants.
(check out current membership conditions)

Workshop topics

Next generation BESS – technical improvements that add value
You are a battery producer and want to explore how you should prepare for the market evolution.

Vehicle-to-grid a gamechanger?
You are a utility company and want to explore if you can make a promising business case.

Second Life – innovations for a profitable business
You are a potential producer of second life batteries and want to prepare for this future business.

Impulse talks

Battery costs below 5ct/kWh – reality by 2025?
Guido Guidi, Senior Vice-President Stationary Storage, Leclanché SA
Download the presentation

Vehicle-to-grid – a gamechanger?
Geoffrey Orlando, Chef de Project Electromobilité, Planair
Download the presentation

Second-Life – an economic opportunity?
Stefan Bahamonde, Co-founder & CEO, Libattion
Download the presentation


13:00 – Welcome and introduction to the iBAT workshop concept

13:10 – Impulse talks: three thought-provoking talks according to the topics above

13:40 – Introduction to the Design Thinking concept by UniNE

13:50 – working session 1: identifying pain points

13:50 – Persona Profiles
14:10 – As-Is Scenario Map
14:30 – Pain Point Identification

14:50 – Break

15:00 – working session 2: prioritize ideas to solve pain points

15:00 – Needs Statement
15:15 – Big Ideas
15:40 – Prioritization Grid

16:00 – Presentation of results from different working groups

16:20 – wrap-up and outlook: next steps and options to realize our ideas

Status: A. Hutter / 2021-04-30

Moderation: iBAT, UniNE

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