UniNE – Institute of Management

The chair for innovation management at the University of Neuchâtel’s Institute of Management has expertise in the collaboration between research and industry partners in the fields of strategy and innovation.

As a partner, with an unbiased external perspective, the team offers the methodological skills to guide strategy and innovation processes and to participate in strategic dialog.

The team has experience in guiding collaborative innovation journeys between research and industry. With established design thinking methodologies, the team guides collaborative innovation journeys that are human-centered, option-focused and iterative. Being human-centered, design thinking starts with a deep exploration into the needs of the partners and re-formulates problems from their perspectives. Being option-focused, it seeks to generate portfolios of new ideas. It is iterative, as it conducts real-world experiments to refine ideas and emerging concepts. Through participatory workshop methodologies, it provides spaces for ideation, concept development, experimentation and dialog across industry partners.

Through established research methodologies, the team has experience in providing research-based insights on strategic challenges.


  • Executive education that translates leading research insights in the fields of strategy and innovation management to advance business solutions
  • Facilitation of workshops based on established methodologies in the fields of strategy and innovation management
  • Applied research that provides answers to predefined strategic challenges based on established research methodologies

Prof. Dr. Emmanuelle Reuter, (Dr. oec HSG)

Assistant Professor of Innovation Management

Institute of Management
University of Neuchâtel

Design thinking processes

Design thinking processes

Facilitation of workshops in the fields of strategy and innovation

Facilitation of workshops in the fields of strategy and innovation

Executive education in the fields of strategy and innovation

Executive education in the fields of strategy and innovation