News about the commitment of Swiss Labs, press releases and exciting events.
Empa – Laboratory Materials for Energy Conversion
Empa is an interdisciplinary research institute of the ETH Domain, conducting cutting-edge research on materials science and technology for the benefit of industry and the well-being of society. The laboratory Materials for Energy Conversion focuses on materials and device innovation for sustainable energy conversion and storage technologies.
OST – Power Electronics Laboratory
The Power Electronics Laboratory at the OST was established in 2008 and offers comprehensive expertise in the field of switched mode power conversion. One of the focuses is placed on battery charging for electro mobility and stationary applications.
EPFL – Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory
The research activities of the Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory (DESL) refer to the development of smart grid concept solutions in order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supply.
Empa – Reliability Center
The Reliability Center operates a knowledge and equipment pool to perform research, tests and inspections for industry, academic institutions and public authorities.
ETHZ – High Power Electronic Systems Lab
The research at the High Power Electronic Systems Lab (HPE) focusses generally on the design, modelling, and optimization of high power converter systems required for example in future energy distribution systems for integrating renewable energy sources or in electric mobility applications.