In cooperation with
Workshop EU-Regulation
22 April 2024, 13:00-17:00
Battery Regulation and Standardisation: Quo Vadis Switzerland?
Introduction to the CircuBAT & workshop (15’)
New European Battery Regulation – Keynote Presentation
Willy Tomboy, Battery Policy Expert (45’)
Impulse talks (60’)
Impulse talk: industry needs – Battery manufacturers/vehicle OEMs
Gianluca La Sorda , Iveco Group (15’)
Impulse talk: industry needs: Second Life and Recycling
Bertrand Schutz, Secretary General & Business Developer, Libattion AG (15’)
Impulse talk: With a consistent data management to the Battery Passport
Uwe Rüdel, Industry Engagement Technical Industries, GS1 Switzerland (15’)
Impulse talk: international standards
Marcel Knecht Head of Core Business / Member of the Executive Board, SNV (15’)
Networking break (30’)
Interactive working sessions (75’)
The workshop participants discuss their experiences and questions and identify needed research and innovation in their respective fields.
Discussion and wrap-up (15’)
Apéro (17:00 to 18:00)