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The upcoming Networking Event Series – iBAT Battery Tuesdays presents TOFWERK AG

Date and time: Tuesday, June 4 16.00 – 17. 00

Speaker: Steffen Spieler, Market Manager Energy and Chemicals

TOFWERK AG is an original equipment manufacturer of chemical ionization Time-of-Flight based mass spectrometers. The instruments are utilized for localizing and quantifying battery leaks by detecting trace amounts of electrolyte solution emitted from microscopic holes within the inside of the cells. Besides improved safety by a high-throughput single cell and module classification, this technology can also improve production processes. The technology and current industrial applications for lithium-ion cells will be discussed.

During the presentation, we will give a basic introduction to the technology of chemical ionization in combination with Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry. Additionally, several industrial applications on lithium-ion batteries ranging from coin to pouch cell characterization and classification, will be presented. Efforts toward establishing an international standard for single cell emissions will also be discussed.


  • Mass spectrometry applications in the battery value chain
  • Battery leakage detection for improved safety and lifetime
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